PM-Plumbing-Site BackUp

Last BackUp Created On: October 25, 2024

As part of your monthly maintenance plan, we backup your website’s files and database daily, and we store the backups for one month, both on-site (our own server) and off-site (on a cloud server). To make sharing the files easier for our clients, we use DropBox to make backup files available for direct download, any time you should need to access them. Click the below link, to view the shared DropBox folder for PropertyMedics backup files:

PLEASE NOTE OCTOBER 31st 2017: We are changing our off-site/cloud storage partner, as of October 31st, 2017, from GoogleDrive to Dropbox. We are making this change to enable our clients quicker and easier access to their daily backup files. From now on, in order to access any files for the particular month at hand, just visit the above linked Dropbox folder. We will no longer have each individual file download link listed by date below, as the shared Dropbox folder provides this service much more efficiently on their site. We hope this makes file access easier and quicker for you in the future. The switch will be completed by november 2nd, 2017, and we thank you for your patience.

**An automated system performs a daily backup of all files on the server and all website databases. Each backup file is created on and named after each of their respective days. All files can always be accessed by the above shared DropBox folder.**





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