The address of your new website is determined by your domain name. If your domain name is, then your new WordPress website/blog will be located at
. This will get you to the public facing portion of your website. In order to get to the admin panel, the place where you can edit posts/pages, publish new posts/pages and upload content such as videos and images, you’ll need to add this simple extension: /wp-admin
to the address.
Using the previous example, the admin panel for, will be located here:
. Feel free to copy & paste the example url into your browser ( and simply replace CoolSite with your own domain name.
Once you get to the log in screen, you will see the following:
At this point, simply enter the username and password given to you by your developer, or chosen by you during installation. That’s it, you’re now easily accessing the WordPress admin panel, which a lot of users refer to as the “dashboard” or the “back-end”. Have a lot of fun!